Why Radical Humanity is THE Way Forward

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Last week when Anthony Fauci spoke with Michael Barbaro on The Daily he talked about the fact that we were living in ‘the fog of war’ and, for all of us, marketers included, this feels true.

Living in the midst of Covid-19 may not be a war in the traditional sense, but it is definitely akin to being placed in the middle of a deep fog. It’s a time of great uncertainty. We don’t know how our adversary (the virus) is going to operate and, as such, it’s near impossible to know how best to react. Some of us are or will be, dealing with personal tragedy. For that, I am deeply sorry. For those of us who are lucky to be spared the loss of someone we love, personal and professional stress is at an all-time high; our focus is scattered, motivation waxes and wanes and as we adjust to the reality of working remotely we face a host of questions about who we are and where we fit in.

So, as marketers, what is our best move in this unprecedented territory? Well, it is our inclination to encourage nothing other than radical humanity.

But what is radical humanity, and how does it get applied? Let’s revisit this notion of the fog, because a deep fog is a perfect metaphor for what so many of us are facing.

Imagine, for a moment, you’re out on a walk along the Cliffs of Mohr in Ireland (should you wish, you can do this virtually, now) and the weather shifts. Suddenly you find yourself standing in a fog so deep, you can’t see an inch in front of your face. There’s no clear way through and a misstep could mean certain death.

So, how to navigate these unforgiving circumstances?

  1. Start by standing still. Recognize that knee jerk reaction will likely not provide salvation. As Buddha said, “Do not learn how to react, learn how to respond.”
  2. Shout (gently) out into the fog. “Hello?!”. Admit that collaboration might provide a way out. Find and connect with others who are similarly lost. Use the culture of community and the power of ‘we’ to identify possible solutions.
  3. Apply ingenuity. Use creativity to imagine responsible ways to safety. Reevaluate options. See with new eyes.
  4. Look for the light. Don’t give yourself up for lost. Stay positive, look for the breaks in the mist and the hands reaching in.

It’s simple. As all of society struggles through this utterly pervasive crisis, we must take the time to still ourselves and acknowledge the importance of humanity. Above all, we must lead with compassion and acknowledgment of the very precarious situation in which we find ourselves (collectively). We must move forward with patience, kindness, empathy, and optimism in the face of the unknown and we must be resilient and solution-oriented enough that we develop a new way of seeing.

At Dot Dot Dash we call this Radical Humanity and we believe that it is the best way to help partners and clients respond empathetically, intelligently and creatively to this crisis and, ultimately, to emerge not only intact but also evolved.

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